Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Inland Bays Clean up

They’ve kept me busy here at the CIB lately, but I’ve finally gotten a chance to update you all on what has been going on in the past week. The subject I’ll be highlighting on in this entry is one of the most rewarding projects I’ve experienced as an intern here—The Inland Bays Clean up.
The Center for the Inland Bays organizes an annual clean up of the bays in cooperation with state and local employees such as the Division of Fish and Wildlife and Delmarva Paddlesports. Community organizations like the Dewey Beach Lion's Club and Delaware Surf Fishing were also there. This event not only improves the quality of the bays, but brings people of all types in the community together. Help with the project ranged from teenagers to seniors, fishermen to scientists, locals to tourists.
Some of the 2012 Clean Up Crew

The day started with gathering at Massey’s landing in Long Neck, DE, a crowded boat launching/pier fishing spot. I dragged my girlfriend along with me at 9 a.m to set up with CIB staff. The event needed a “refueling station” stocked with hotdogs, chips, redbull, and water. Once everyone was there, boats began zipping off in all directions on a mission to gather garbage.

(Left) Refuse from the bays after the first trip. (Right) Most of my crew with the industrial size chain found.

The boat I was on visited and Island on the north side of Indian River Bay. We came back with a boat load (literally speaking) of treated wood, cans, trash, metal, and crab pots. We also had some odd finds such as a golf bag and a giant version of a rusty bicycle chain. By the day’s end we almost had a full dumpster full of refuse on its way to a healthier disposal.

A trapped terrapin in an abandoned crab pot. Volunteer for future events so things like this don't happen!

The Center for the Inland Bays will be conducting another bay clean up of the Little Assawoman Bay later in the season. Frequent http://www.inlandbays.org/ to be updated on our events. Also, I will put something on here when a date, time, and place is set.

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